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How to Choose the Right Wood for Your Pet’s Bed

wooden dog beds

Wooden dog beds sleep a lot, and it’s important to provide them with a bed that is comfortable, safe, and attractive. A wooden dog bed is an excellent option for this purpose.

Choose the right Wood for Your Pet’s Bed

You will find that there are many types of wood used in the construction of dog beds. It is best to familiarize yourself with the different woods available and their strengths and weaknesses.

Choose a Wood that is Easy to Clean

If you have an active dog that romps around a lot, you may want a dog bed that is easily washable. This will help prevent stains from forming, and it will also make cleaning easier in general.

Picnic in Style: Choosing the Perfect Cute Picnic Basket for Your Next Outdoor Adventure

You may want to consider a dog bed made from a hardwood like oak. It’s a popular choice for furniture manufacturers, as it is a relatively durable and affordable material.

The downside to choosing a hardwood is that it will likely take stain a little more quickly than other choices. If you’re planning on using your wooden dog bed indoors, this isn’t an issue – but it may be a factor if you plan on placing it outdoors in a damp environment.

Untreated Wood / Natural Grain is Good for Outdoor Use

You can also find wooden dog beds that are constructed from wood that is naturally textured and crafted with a rustic or organic style. This will help your pet’s bed blend into the overall aesthetic of your home, and is a great choice for outdoor spaces.…

How To Work On The Slopes While Building A Fence?

There is no easy, carefully measured, mathematically accurate way to make a fence look good on uneven terrain (which is what most of us have). The point is to trust your eye and make adjustments.

You have two main choices:

Straight stop

For a straight fence, you set up the corner posts, stretch a line, and set the height of the remaining posts a fixed distance above that line.

  • Advantage: The fence looks good.
  • Disadvantage: there may be large gaps and irregularities under it.

Ground Fence

For the fence to follow the ground, each post is set to a fixed height above the ground.

  • Advantage: there is a constant. An even gap at the bottom of the fence.
  • Drawback: The following small bumps and potholes can make your fence look uneven, which you may not like.

Best Solution: Compromise

Beautiful fencing is usually a compromise between driving straight ahead and following the terrain. It follows a smooth curve or has only a few slope changes.

This can be achieved by adjusting the height of the intermediate posts where there is a change in slope.

Insert a nail into these posts at the bottom height of the stringer and wrap it around your string so you can use it as a guide. You can mitigate sudden slope changes by adjusting the height of the pair of posts on either side of the slope break. Remember that as long as the posts are just set in the packed ground, you can adjust them so that the fence line is correct.

You can cut or fill soil for small hills and holes, cut some of the fence boards to size, or use a few longer boards.

If you have difficult slopes, it will be easier to install a guardrail that will allow you to trim the top of the posts after they are installed.

Gate construction

The trick to building a gate is to fasten it to the ground using only two nails for each plank.

Assemble the gate on the ground using only one nail at each end of the board to keep the gate flexible.

You can then insert it into the opening, turn it so that the stringers match up on both sides, and then finish nailing it. Then lay a 2×4 cross-section across the stringers for the diagonal brace, trace the ends, and cut it to size.

Rotate the bolt to line up with the stringers on both sides. Then finish nailing the boards and add a 2×4 diagonal brace.

Bend the diagonal brace back in place with your fingernail, making sure it is pointing from the side of the latch down to the side of the hinge. and not vice versa. (This is the cause of many sagging gates.) Cut off the serrated top of the gate, then install the hardware.

Finishing touches

If left to natural weather, cedar will turn grey. At the same time, this is acceptable to many people and does not greatly affect the durability of the wood; for this project, the fence was treated with a clear, water-repellent sealant to maintain its golden brown color.

A clear finish brings out the warm tones of cedar but needs to be reapplied every few years. Without it, the cedar weathers to light silver.

Any sealant designed for cedar decking will work. Be careful; however, you will need to reapply every few years to keep it looking fresh. It costs $2 afoot to complete the fence.

After your fence has been built for a year, it’s a good idea to seal the concrete base and post to keep water out.

Need a fencing company?You’ve come to the right place! Our fences are built for safety, beauty and lasting value. We offer an incredible selection of styles that will suit any property or taste – no matter how unique you think it might be.

Why Your fence is Turning Grey, and What to do About it?

A fence is a natural part of any garden. But when it starts to turn grey, you may not know what to do about it. Here are some tips on how to keep your fence looking its best.

Black Metal FenceInspect the fence regularly to make sure it’s maintaining its condition.

  • Clean the fence regularly with a solution of water, detergent, and bleach.
  • Use paint or sealant to protect the fence from fading or damage.
  • Repair any tears, dents, or other damage that has occurred over time.

Clean the fence if it starts to look dirty or if there are any stains on it.

  • Remove any dust or dirt that may be on the fence.
  • Keep the fence clean and free of obstructions, such as bushes, leaves, or stones.
  • Use a tool to cut through the top of the fence so that water can’t get into the garden.

Make sure the fence is tight enough to keep the pests out, but not so tight that it becomes difficult to move.

  • Make sure the fence is built with a strong enough railing to prevent climbers from reaching the fence.
  • Keep the fence clean and free of debris so that it can be easily accessible for visitors.
  • Use a repellent or insecticide to keep pests away from the fence.

Repair any damage that may have occurred over time, such as a crack in the fence or a bent post.

  • Change the color of the fence if it’s starting to look a little grey.
  • Use paint or stain that will match your fence’s color.
  • Add some green plants to help brighten up your fence and make it more aesthetically pleasing.

Change out the plants on the fence occasionally, depending on how much color they need and how much sunlight they receive.

  • Change out the plants on the fence regularly, depending on how much sun they receive and how much rain they get.
  • Keep the fence clean and free of debris.
  • Maintain the fence by regularly adding water to it and painting it with a light color to keep it looking fresh and new.

Contact True Built Fencing, a fence contractor in Austin TX, and let professionals build your perfect fence.

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What is PVC Decking?

PVC decking is simply plastic lumber.

Just as with traditional wood decks, you can order a custom size and get it delivered right to your door. All of the advantages of wood are then transferred over to PVC. The big difference is that PVC doesn’t rot or decay…it’s impervious to insects…and it won’t splinter or warp like wood!

You’ve probably heard people complaining about how much “maintenance” their wood decks need. Every year they have to sand down the boards because they start splitting, or seal them again because the cedar has gotten moist over time and rotted through in places. They never really look “pristine” until they go through that whole process every year…and that’s assuming they even keep up with it!

PVC decks are the opposite. They don’t need ANY maintenance at all…aside from a quick sweep now and then if you want to keep the dust down. Your PVC deck will look great for decades, without any of that work or upkeep.

You might be thinking, “That’s probably because my neighbor doesn’t have kids!” But think about how many toys they are surrounded by every day. The balls being kicked across the yard…the swings in the back yard…and their own shoes scuffing them on a regular basis! Even if you install rails around your porch or patio (which would prevent most damage) those rails are still going to get banged up over time, right?

Really, it’s not the kids that should make you consider PVC decks…it’s nature itself. Leaves fall off of trees and blow onto wooden decks all year long. Birds nest in trees overhanging wooden decks, dropping their nests on your deck every spring. All kinds of bugs drop from branches onto wood decks when they land on them to rest. Rain storms wash all kinds of debris into cracks in wooden deck boards. Wood is just not hardy enough to stand up to that kind of abuse!

The Definitive Guide to Project Planning Software for

Man Working on Laptop while Woman Takes NotesComing up with a viable plan for your project is not enough; you must also keep the various stakeholders in sync using accurate, organized data that can be accessed any time and from anywhere. Self-hosted project management software has enabled small businesses to create plans and manage projects more efficiently and effectively than ever before. It allows them to stay competitive, manage cash flow, eliminate waste, meet deadlines, and handle other issues that could otherwise cripple their chances of success. Here is a look at how these programs can affect your business:

Keep Your Staff Informed

Project planning software does more than help you create realistic timelines; it also facilitates instant between-team communication. When everyone is using the same platform to communicate, it ensures that they all know what needs to be done next and how and when it must be completed. This helps your company run more smoothly and efficiently – especially if you have multiple offices or remote staff members.

Streamline Your Workflow

As a growing business, it’s important to make every dollar count; this is why most businesses use project management software in one way or another. It allows them to save time on tasks while ensuring that each person has the information he or she needs at hand. Project management software gives the team an accessible tool for tracking projects from beginning to end (and even beyond).

Manage Resources More Effectively

When the whole team can access a single database, it’s easier to manage your resources. Information is constantly updated so that each department knows exactly where it stands with regard to manpower and other resources. This makes resource management more efficient as well as encouraging better communication among members of the team.

Create Better Reports

In business, a company’s performance can be determined by many things, including how successful its strategic plans have been. They affect resource allocation and therefore determine strategies for the future. With project planning software in place, you’ll be able to monitor every aspect of your operations; this will allow you to analyze past successes and failures in order to come up with sound strategies for future growth and profitability.

Efficient, Accurate Documentation

When you have the right software for the job, analyzing reports is easier. In fact, they can be generated automatically instead of having to rely on manual compilation and inputting by a team member (which could lead to errors). When all your projects are represented in one place, it’s easy to track progress towards completion or setbacks that might slow things down. You can also make valuable adjustments without having to deal with multiple sets of paperwork from different sources.

Access Anytime/Anywhere

With project planning software in place, your business quickly becomes more flexible; this means that no matter where you are – whether it’s at home or in the office – you’ll always be able to get the information you need when you need it. Information is up to date and can be accessed from anywhere with internet access; this gives you a complete overview of your project without having to spend hours trying to compile reports or other data in a less organized system.

Save Money on Printouts

Smiling casual man in hardhat and glasses holding arms crossed looking at camera while standing at desk with paper draft and stationeryWith paper documents, every time you want an updated copy of a particular document or report, various members of your staff will have to pull the needed sheets off piles and re-stack them into their appropriate order. If there are errors in one set or another, they could affect how things are compiled and assigned – even if they’re caught right away. This all takes more time than using project planning software that instantly updates files whenever changes are made.

Save Time to Invest in Growth

The less effort you need to put into administrative tasks, the more time you have for strategic planning and execution – and this leads to a better bottom line and more successful projects. Using software allows your team members to focus on their jobs instead of sitting around waiting for other people to do theirs or look through stacks of papers for the information they need. It may cost some upfront, but it’s worth it if it helps your company improve efficiency in any aspect of its operations.…