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Ideas (With And Without Works) And A Booster To Improve The Energy Efficiency Of Your Home

There is a lot of talk about energy efficiency these days. Sometimes, with everything we hear, we can feel anguish and become overwhelmed because we are not doing enough. However, there are simple gestures, many free, that can help you be more efficient.

Using Windows Properly Is The First Step

Very easy. Free.

If you have cross ventilation (facing windows and with different orientations), do not waste it. In summer, leave them open at night and be sure to close first thing in the morning. This way, you can lower the interior temperature a few degrees. Even if you have to turn on the air conditioning in the end, you will do it much later and gain valuable hours of free comfort.

You must close them in the hottest hours. Do not think that by having the windows open and that some air enters, you will be able to refresh the house. If it is 35 degrees outside and you have 27 inside, there is no point in opening, no matter how much airflow you think it generates.

In winter, lower all the blinds as soon as it gets dark. This simple gesture makes you lose less heat unnecessarily through the glass.

Replace the incandescent bulbs in your home with led lamps

Very easy. Less than 5 dollars per bulb

They consume much less and heat rooms less. In summer you will appreciate it, especially if you have many recessed lights or a dark house where you have to keep the lights on for a long time.

Install Thermostats And Keep The House Always At A Constant Temperature In Winter.

Very easy. Less than $ 100

Think that if you let the house cool, it will take (and spend) much longer to reheat it and have a comfortable temperature again. In general, you save more by maintaining latent heat than by turning the boiler on and off several times a day. You will use many energy resources to heat the envelope (walls, ceiling, and floors) over and over again.

One More Step Is To Put More Efficient Glass On Your Windows

Easy. About 100 dollars per m2 of window

Low-emissivity glasses with a solar control system can be a good alternative to conventional glasses, but they are not universal. They work from a treatment done to the interior glasses (in double and triple systems) whose function is to lower the transmittance of the glass, that is, to make them more insulating. This results in less heat loss in winter and less unwanted radiation from the sun in summer. However, the solar gain in winter is also lower, and you will take less advantage of the “warmth” in more exposed windows. At certain exhibitions and geographic locations, it may be more desirable to gain that heat in winter than to protect yourself from it in summer; it is a matter of analyzing the case with some calculations.

Before making the change, make sure you have a wall with a good degree of insulation. Exchanging windows or glass for high-efficiency ones on poorly insulated facades can cause condensation to damp at the junction between materials.

There are many variables, and it is worth having an expert to advise you. The savings can be a lot, but you can also make an investment that does not return the expected amortization.

Install Awnings To Protect You From Solar Radiation In Summer

Easy. About $ 300 per window

If you place awnings on the most exposed windows and protect them when the sun hits them, you will notice the difference. To be efficient, the awning design must adapt to the orientation in which it is installed.

  • It must be at least 45º inclined in west-facing windows and have a fabric with high UV protection.
  • When the orientation is this, you can install a simpler fabric because the solar radiation in the morning is less than in the afternoon. However, it should also be tilted if you want it to work well.
  • In pure south orientations, sometimes, the eaves of the window are sufficient. In those cases, installing a screen blind inside can be enough to improve interior comfort.
  • North-facing windows do not need an awning.

The fabric, in any of the orientations, must be micro-perforated and guarantee ventilation. Otherwise, heat will build up between the awning and the window, creating an unwanted greenhouse effect.…

Why Buy A Home In Plans?

Buying a home is an important financial decision, and many people are constantly looking to buy their own. Some of them rush this decision without considering all the different options that exist to acquire a place to live.

Among these options, the ideal alternative for those who are looking for a more economical way to acquire a property, have time to wait, and are in no rush to deliver it, is to buy a home in plans.

This modality consists of acquiring the house through the separation with an initial fee when it is still in plans equivalent to being in a project, that is, before construction begins. The project is presented through plans and graphic instruments that show the client what the house will be like. It should be emphasized that it has all the previous studies and requirements, among others, such as authorizations and approved licenses.

Buying in plans offers multiple advantages; we can mention some of them:

Payment Facilities

It offers facilities for the initial fee, in a short or long payment period granted by the bank in coordination with the real estate company. Many companies offer facilities to pay the initial in monthly installments. The cost of the installment usually amounts to 10% of the value of the house. It could vary up to 5% of the value of the house, depending on the bank.

Modificable Design

Being a purchase in plans, you can choose to make changes that best suit your needs, taste and economic capacity, associated with distributions and finishes within the stipulated area. This advantage is special since it is not always possible to find a design that completely adapts to your requirements, and it is preferable to make changes to the plans than to want to make them on a building.

Selection Of Finishes

When the purchase in plans is made, you can choose finishes for each of the spaces that you consider necessary (within limits established in the contract with the construction company).

Guarantee And Quality Of The Work

By purchasing on plans, the customer has the advantage of monitoring the construction process. This guarantees knowing in detail what you are buying, with what and how they are building it, thus having a lower probability of finding hidden defects. It is worth mentioning that you can always ask the real estate company about its progress.

More Economic Option

The main benefit of acquiring plans is the economic one. In general, it is estimated that savings under this modality are between 5% and 10% lower than when buying a finished property according to the market. As a project progresses, the price increases depending on the stages or number of units offered. Purchasing at the blueprint stage is ideal for those considering low-cost, long-term investing.

Valorization In Time

The commercial value of the property increases over time. In this way, a profit is obtained for the said increase, which supposes an additional investment in time that could also be a profitable business option if intended to sell the home or be used as a mortgage loan.…

Which Is Better: Buying Or Building A House?

Most relevant aspects to consider when investing in the purchase of land, construction of a home, or purchase an already built house/apartment

A house is a difficult financial decision to make mainly due to the large financial investment that this implies in the life of a person. In deciding which way to invest money the most, a question arises that we have all asked ourselves: what is better: buying or building a house? And the answer is that it is relative and that relativity depends on a great variety of elements that you must decide according to what you expect from your ideal home.

We consider that the factors that influence to make this decision are four: space, time, budget, and guarantee. We will analyze each of these factors, their advantages, and disadvantages, to obtain a thorough assessment guide and a broader idea as a starting point for making the final choice.


One of the most important points to consider before investing in a property or land is located. The context largely determines its value and directly influences the quality of life and amenities such as living near work, university, center commercial, or the main avenue.

If this aspect represents a primary requirement for the user, the search will be reduced to a specific area where those facilities are close. In the case of an urban area, the most predominant and easy-to-find options will be acquiring a built home, since the vast majority of lots available to build are located on the outskirts of the city.

Wait time

The time it takes to build a property is relatively long. A slow process that varies between 6 to 24 months, since it involves the preparation of the project, definition, and approval of plans, procedures and permits in the municipality, the construction of the work itself, unforeseen and finished the house is finally habitable.

On the other hand, with a house already built, it is only necessary to choose between the houses for sale, take care of the sale procedures, and this can be inhabited as soon as the property is acquired. If the time factor is short, buying a house will be the best option because it will always involve a longer period.

Constructive process

If the decision is made to build the property, this involves getting involved not only in the design process but also in construction, attending to working relationships with both architects, teachers, suppliers, future neighbors, etc., until periodically supervising the progress of the work and solve problems that arise along the way. These tasks, although they have advantages such as economic savings, involve great waste of energy, and buying the house implies avoiding the construction process.

Purchase price

The price of a house already built and a new work vary significantly according to aspects such as its context, location, lot area / built area, age, current state, quality of materials, structure, finishes, search for profitability, among other elements that they can depreciate or increase in value.

In both cases, the price will be linked to multiple factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic. However, it can be said that by building a house, you save between approximately 10% and 20% compared to the market price of a property since the seller profit. Likewise, it should be noted that, although there are affordable homes, it is likely that these will eventually generate a greater investment for remodeling or repairs.

In either case, it is advisable to establish a budget beforehand and to have a clear idea of ​​your needs to make a more accurate comparison of prices for both a quote for new work and to identify a home more quickly in the market that meets your expectations.…

3 Technological Innovations That Boost The Real Estate Sector

Applying technological innovations is essential in any business sector that wants to compete strongly in the current context. Technology brings with it numerous advances, tools, and ways of being used. Its use will depend on the characteristics and objectives of the different companies and types of activity. Among them, real estate is a sector in a full renovation.

Programmatic advertising to improve the relationship with potential buyers

Technology allows us to change the way we find and relate to the buyer. There is no waiting for interested parties to come naturally. In addition to not controlling when a particular floor of the online catalog catches your attention, we also do not know what aspect or why the property has aroused your curiosity.

Some tools allow us to control who we want to draw attention to, such as programmatic advertising.

This type of advertising combines:

  • big data, which tells us who is the potential buyer of a property, where it is, and what interests it has.
  • the possibility of geolocating an advertisement to know where and when the people we are interested in contacting the real estate agency.

With these advances, we can segment what kind of people we want to target. Now we know who they are and what behaviors and tastes they have both on and off the network. It is simply about knowing who we want to interact with and focus the form and content of our messages in the best way and through the best channels.

Digitization as technological innovation in the real estate sector

Digitization is a complete process as arduous as it is beneficial for any organization. Real estate is a sector sometimes lagging in this crucial change for the most efficient organizations.

This way of working should be based on the simplest forms and procedures: team mentality and “zero roles” projects.

Real estate agencies are traditionally characterized by the accumulation of papers to carry out any minimum management. The fact that a team is prepared and convinced to work digitally is the first step to offer more powerful experiences.

There are tools, CRMs, and digital managers that allow registering and even carrying out the steps and activities of management related to real estate.

Virtual tours to improve the user experience

Digitization also improves the user experience. And it is that it brings a portfolio of technologies to be able to see the property with realism even before entering it.

Now, there are virtual and experiential tours that allow you to visit the property from home. These are not recorded videos, but rather a connection in real-time with the real estate agency while both take a virtual tour of the property.

These walks have a double objective:

  • The experience of the visit to get a real first idea from home.
  • Being able to make live measurements to check spaces and even make the first decoration and furniture compositions to distribute rooms and rooms.

It is a new way of knowing the house in an agile, comfortable way and obtaining technical data on the spaces. Simultaneously, the person who is directly in charge of its sale can provide characteristic information about the home.…

Do I Contract With A Single Construction Company To Make My House Or For Trades?

There are mainly 2 ways to build a home:

  1. The most common is to entrust all the work to a Construction Company -which will become the Main Construction Company-. This can contribute to its workers and/or subcontract other companies and self-employed workers to carry out the different work items.
  2. If the work is contracted for trades, it is the owner/developer who directly contracts several companies and/or self-employed workers.

In the first case, all companies and freelancers participating in the work depending on the Principal Construction Company. In the second, several companies and freelancers depend on the owner/developer.

Can you save that much by batching?

In most cases, the economic “savings” are much less than what the owners believe.

There are two main things to keep in mind:

  • The price that can be obtained by the main Builder of a subcontractor is going to be better than that which can be obtained by a particular developer who is only going to do one project. In many cases, the contractor’s margin will equal the final price that the developer achieves on his own. Also, in the margin of the contractor, there is planning, coordination, management, etc.
  • The price of the materials also usually varies. When you get a discount on the purchase of a shower tray (for example) of 20%, the Builder will get it off 30%. Also, the construction company will pay 10% VAT on their invoice (if it is the first home), while if you buy the material, you must pay 21%.

Safety and Health at the construction site

Another cost of hiring several companies is the issue of security.

Safety and Health of the different companies

To start, each Construction company must comply with all the applicable regulations in Health and Safety, and in Occudecknal Risk Prevention. Furthermore, it must be complied with both by the company itself (its workers) and by the subcontractors and self-employed workers under its charge.

In other words, this would take care of everything with a single company, including the deficiencies of one of the subcontractors. If you have several companies hired by you, each of them you will have to demand the same as you would demand of only one. Do I contract with a single construction company to make my house or for trades?

Who puts the “common things”?

In work, there are many structures that “everyone will use.” In the absence of the Main Builder, all of them should be put (and paid) by the developer/owner.

It is very easy to tell the Builder that you are “inflating” 20% of the budget of a subcontractor. However, when you count the construction fence’s price, the construction shed with its bathroom, the crane, etc. you realize that in that 20%, there is usually no more than 10% profit.

The coordination of the different trades

With a single construction company, there will be one person in charge – be it the Site Manager or, at least, in charge – of carrying out this coordination. If that figure does not exist because you have contracted the work by trades, you will have to be the one in charge of calling each other, organize them on-site when their works overlap or control that the works are finished to notify the next company of let it in.